Saturday, August 8, 2015

Review for Majestic Pure Dead Sea Mask

          When I first signed up to review the Majestic Pure Dead Sea Mask, I was a little hesitant. For one thing, I don't have that much experience using masks, unless you count dressing up for Halloween,lol. The next thing that made me hesitant was the mud part. I know how bad mud can smell, so was afraid this would stink also.  I am so glad that I overcame my skepticism and gave it a try.

          When I opened the jar, I was totally surprised. It did not stink. In fact, it had a very pleasant smell. It had a little bit of a perfume smell, but it was not overwhelming or real strong. I actually liked the smell.

          Then when I applied it for the first time, I fell totally in love with this product. It was so cooling to the skin, that in this hot weather we have been having in Nebraska it felt wonderful. I applied it all over even my neck just like the directions said to do. When I read the directions further, I was even more surprised. I thought that most facial masks you had to leave on for long periods of time. With the Majestic Pure Dead Sea Mask, you only left it on for 5 minutes. What a nice surprise. I was afraid I was going to have to walk around my apartment for hours looking like something that came out of the swamp.

          When it came time to remove the mask, all I needed to do was rub it around like an exfoiliant and then what did not come off that way, I was to rinse the rest off with warm water. I opted to do it in the shower, as I had gotten some in my hair. Once I had it all removed, I ran my hands over my face and it felt so smooth. It felt the smoothest it had felt in a long time.

          Needless to say, I cannot recommend this product enough. They sell this on Amazon for $17.95 and the shipping is free for prime members. It comes in an 8.8 oz. tub. Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that is a high price to pay for a facial mask. But let me tell you, You do not need a lot of it at one time, so this will last you a long time. To me, this is a small price to pay for great skin care. The link for this product is below to make it easy for you to find it. So head on over and give it a try. You will not be sorry.

          Also, here is a picture of the product so you know what it looks like.

Disclaimer: This product was sent to me for free in exchange for an honest review.


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